About Us


Meet the owner of RoyalLY Beauty, Alycia Mills. While in college she had help finding her love for lashes thanks to three close friends. Her friends could never understand why she didn't like make up. Trying to introduce their friend to a new avenue of enhancing her beauty, she allowed them to beat her face. FAIL! Alycia didn't like it the slightest bit, but one thing she did fall in love with was THE STRIP LASHES. It made her feel empowered and beautiful.
She felt like it added an extra touch to her beauty, she didn't even know she wanted. As she got older, her love for lashes grew stronger. Overtime, Alycia graduated from level one to expert in the lash department.
Alycia has a passion to help others, encourage, support and influence. Her goal still to this day is to become a CRNA. Even with such great career goals, she always wanted to become an entrepreneur. Working for someone all her life just wouldn't be enough. She always wants to spread love, give back and empower other women.
Ultimately having that passion she decided, why not provide the service that gives a touch of EXTRA every women enjoys and CANT GO WITHOUT. RoyalLY Beauty was born in October 2017
RoyalLy Beauty is in business to support, provide services, and tools to keep women feeling Confident, Powerful, Encouraged like the Queen she is. Alycia believes we as women we are very POWERFUL and if we look good, we feel good.